Monday, November 8, 2010


Before entering the world of Reading, I was an enthusiast of Movies.
“Movies are BETTER than Books because…”
1.       It no longer needs imagination at all
2.       There are visual representations
3.       3 hours to finish the story
4.       You can learn about accent’s and languages
5.       The story is being depicted into true visualizing actions
And so on…

 As a normal student, I thought watching movies would be enough for me to understand the whole story, until I finally pressed down the red button of the remote, and turned to open a book. After that very transforming Vacation, March 2008-May 2008, I realized that the defenses I used to have before are just as defensive as the bullied girl or boy in their early youth has.
All the statements I said were true, from 1 down to “and so on…” ^_^ But let me just do some change before my first statement.
“Movies are STRONG COMPANION of Books because…”

THE USUAL QUESTION OF A NEW READER IS THIS: Why read the book, if movies can deliver it?
AND THE SIMPLE ANSWER IS BECAUSE: Books are delivered by words, and Movies are performed by actions. You cannot find words in Movies nor actions in Books.
“This is why, certain stories derived from Profound Illustrating Books are hard to understand when they are being turned into Movies. The Book Writer would need to spend 2 pages of the book just to describe a fantastical, magical, and amazing place the character had just entered, while the movie would just need some 2 seconds to make the room be wholly seen. Yes, it makes things easier, but the preciousness, touching, and valuable description the writer wanted to express to his audience would be just a view like the picture in this link:
Picture 1

Let’s have this example:
“It was then that Yisha found the place she has been looking for years. So calm and nurturing that she would even wish to sleep from the peace it brings. Her eyes were filled with pure admiration as she faced the falls with its water as clear as crystals, shinning from Father Sun’s touch. And trees were freely swaying with the blow of Cousin Wind, while all the animals play with green bushes their Mother gave.”

Now, look at the picture in this link:
Picture 2

“Movies are STRONG COMPANION of Books because…”

I have listed certain books where their stories were turned into motion pictures. I highly suggest for you to READ the BOOK first before WATCHING the MOVIE.
A. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dhal
B. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
C. Harry Potter 1-7 by J.K. Rowling
D. Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
E. The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Wiesberger (5 STARS!)
F. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

NOTE: Don’t think that because you’ve read the book is that there will be no more need to see the movie. Ain’t it funny to find deeper humor from Ron’s absence when Hermione and Harry cleaned the Grimmauld Place in the movie? Or would you resist not to see who played the role of Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight? I don’t think so! ^_^

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