Monday, November 8, 2010


WE have encountered several “To Do things before…” or “YOU must before…” in different magazines or sites we used to read. But all the excitement, thrill and anticipation breaks down to find out that WE CANNOT complete the list! Why? Because of the things like: “Drink all the Kool-Aid on your refrigerator” ?!? Naman, Zesto lang meron tayo! Or “Visit San Francisco Bridge”, this is possible, but tell me whose 17 year old Filipino/Filipina is ready to spend $20,000 just to complete this list? Or maybe “Play Snow fight with your nieces”, I can play with my nieces, but where is the Snow?

These simple reasons, why a group of Filipinos tried to make a Filipino Styled List for our countrymen. NOTE: This things are possible to do, so NO EXCUSES!

1. Play some childhood street games like “Patintero”, “Luksong Baka”, “Tumbrang Preso”.
2. Have a “Araw ng Purong Tagalog” where you must not utter any foreign word.
3. Have a sleepover party and watch scary movies.
4. Make a personalized Float! (follow this link).
5. Make a mixed CD of your favorite songs and title it "Ang Soundtrack ng Buhay Ko".
6. Read a book based on a movie you have seen and write a blog about its difference (suggestions in this link).
7. Draw a self-portrait and hang it on your living room.
8. Make a scrapbook of your baby pictures (
9. Participate in a Marathon.
10. Open a Savings Account for yourself (Financial Tips in this link)
11. Learn how to define and spell 5 new words from the dictionary.
12. Start a Little Business (suggestions in this link, 1.Small Business,  2.Loading business).
13. Put on the radio and dance.
14. Jump in the pool with your clothes on.
15. Get a job or a part time (suggestions in this link).
16. Order a pizza and eat it yourself!
17. Participate in a Cosplay Event (news today!)
18. Buy some fashion magazines, pick out a couple of really cute outfits, and recreate them exactly. Then make a picture between YOU and the picture of that Model wearing the outfit you copied!

NOTE: Share this to your friends and compare your points to them. Are you already an 18? Then grade yourself on what you have done in the past!


Before entering the world of Reading, I was an enthusiast of Movies.
“Movies are BETTER than Books because…”
1.       It no longer needs imagination at all
2.       There are visual representations
3.       3 hours to finish the story
4.       You can learn about accent’s and languages
5.       The story is being depicted into true visualizing actions
And so on…

 As a normal student, I thought watching movies would be enough for me to understand the whole story, until I finally pressed down the red button of the remote, and turned to open a book. After that very transforming Vacation, March 2008-May 2008, I realized that the defenses I used to have before are just as defensive as the bullied girl or boy in their early youth has.
All the statements I said were true, from 1 down to “and so on…” ^_^ But let me just do some change before my first statement.
“Movies are STRONG COMPANION of Books because…”

THE USUAL QUESTION OF A NEW READER IS THIS: Why read the book, if movies can deliver it?
AND THE SIMPLE ANSWER IS BECAUSE: Books are delivered by words, and Movies are performed by actions. You cannot find words in Movies nor actions in Books.
“This is why, certain stories derived from Profound Illustrating Books are hard to understand when they are being turned into Movies. The Book Writer would need to spend 2 pages of the book just to describe a fantastical, magical, and amazing place the character had just entered, while the movie would just need some 2 seconds to make the room be wholly seen. Yes, it makes things easier, but the preciousness, touching, and valuable description the writer wanted to express to his audience would be just a view like the picture in this link:
Picture 1

Let’s have this example:
“It was then that Yisha found the place she has been looking for years. So calm and nurturing that she would even wish to sleep from the peace it brings. Her eyes were filled with pure admiration as she faced the falls with its water as clear as crystals, shinning from Father Sun’s touch. And trees were freely swaying with the blow of Cousin Wind, while all the animals play with green bushes their Mother gave.”

Now, look at the picture in this link:
Picture 2

“Movies are STRONG COMPANION of Books because…”

I have listed certain books where their stories were turned into motion pictures. I highly suggest for you to READ the BOOK first before WATCHING the MOVIE.
A. Charlie and The Chocolate Factory by Ronald Dhal
B. The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by C.S. Lewis
C. Harry Potter 1-7 by J.K. Rowling
D. Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer
E. The Devil Wears Prada by Lauren Wiesberger (5 STARS!)
F. The Notebook by Nicholas Sparks

NOTE: Don’t think that because you’ve read the book is that there will be no more need to see the movie. Ain’t it funny to find deeper humor from Ron’s absence when Hermione and Harry cleaned the Grimmauld Place in the movie? Or would you resist not to see who played the role of Edward Cullen in the movie Twilight? I don’t think so! ^_^

Friday, November 5, 2010

“What the Rich Knows that Poor Don’t Know”

“The SECRET of Business is to know something that NOBODY else knows.”
– Aristotle Onassis
This program is open only to people who are have dreams and willing enough to make them come true.

1. Attitude towards Success
2. Unleash Leadership Skills
3. Enhance Communication skills
4. Learn how to Influence People
5. Overcoming Personal Fears
6. Overcoming Fear of Rejection
7. Money management skills
8. Investing skills
9. Accountability skills
10. Time management skills
11. Goal setting
12. Systemization
WHAT: Secret of Success: Revealed
WHEN: Monday, Wednesday, and Friday 8:30-9:30 PM
WHERE: 2nd Floor Intrawest Building, Annapolis Street, Greenhills San Juan, Metro Manila
This course consists of three Modules. One module per day (1hour).
Monday:       Module 1. Every Member a Leader
Wednesday: Module 2. Discovering the Leader in YOU
Friday:          Module 3. Developing the Leader in YOU

Limited slots only.
Reservation Details:
1. Text the following details: Full name, age, occupation, email, date, venue
and time slot. And a message of confirmation will be sent thru your mobile. No text, no reservation.
2. Bring pen and paper.
3. Come on time.
Ms. Phoebe Roberto
0922-8548297 (Sun)
0929-2851489 (Smart)

This is a conversation between two long lost siblings. They were nurtured by two different families named WORLD and DESTINY. The World adopted the younger, healthier, and happier kid named YOU and Destiny took care on the crippled but talented and intelligent kid named SUCCESS who could not move without the help of anybody. Both families know the connection of YOU and SUCCESS, but the World family never mentioned it to YOU because they believe that there is no chance of YOU finding SUCCESS. On the other hand, Destiny Family openly told it to SUCCESS. SUCCESS wished so much that he can come for his younger brother, but then he realized that he cannot move alone and it is only YOU who can come to him. So he waited and waited for years, and decades, and finally the day came when someone named TRUTH told YOU everything. YOU spend all his effort, time and perseverance to look for SUCCESS. Though YOU haven’t seen SUCCESS, it was clear to YOU that SUCCESS exists, and YOU are going to find SUCCESS one day. YOU never stopped believing that the time will come where YOU will meet SUCCESS. And the day finally came:

SUCCESS: I’ve been waiting for YOU!
YOU: For years, I was blinded with my thought that I don’t have SUCCESS.
SUCCESS: Then let me ask YOU, are YOU willing enough to HAVE ME NOW?
YOU: Yes!
SUCCESS: Then Be Willing enough to TAKE ME NOW!
YOU: ___________
·   If YOU were YOU, are YOU willing enough to TAKE SUCCESS NOW?

My Elementary Slum Note

Last Saturday, I cleaned my room because it’s already a mess and my mother was already mad at me. Dust, cobwebs, and papers everywhere I don’t know how I survived from this mess. But there is one thing that took me long and made ma stop and thought again about my elementary life.  “My Elementary Slum Notebook” Grade school was a lot of fun. The field trip, foundation day, school festivals and so on. There was no boring days in grade school compared to high school. The periodic examination was very easy because the some teachers reviewed the exact test we have the day before the periodic exams. In high school, it’s different. Here I tell you, you will change. It’s either for the better or worse. It’s because someone said that in school, you will gain education but fools are found. In other hand, it is a matter of choice. You can choose to study or to cheat. You can choose to have good friends or bad ones. In high school, there are strict teachers but all they want is to improve our studies. They are not like other teachers who do not care whether we learn or not.
            Going back to the slum note, guess what surprised me? The pictures of Brad Pitt and my 11-year-old grade school crush named STEVEN. (He lives at the next street but he is not my classmate anymore.) Then I turned the page, this is what I saw.

            After reading the first page where I (the owner) was supposed to fill it out, I laughed to loud that my mom could hear me from the kitchen. I could never imagine that when I was already 11 years old, I still don’t know what email address is. It is hard to imagine that the only foods I knew are spaghetti and fried chicken. Now, I come to see how many dishes I always ask my mom to prepare for lunch or dinner, Macaroni salad, chicken curry, steak, black forest cake and more. And I guess at that time, the pink invasion occurred. Almost all of the girls loved pink and it seems like pink is the national color of girls. But now, you can see men wearing pink shirts. Now, it’s the national color of brave men out there.
            Roses? I hate roses! Why did I put it there? I guess, I have nothing to write that time. Today, the most beautiful flower for me is the “Forget me not”. It seems like this flower had a long story before it’s called “forget me not”. Maybe it’s a flower given by a man to a girl he loved and promised to come back. Hehehe *Laughs*.
            Yeah, I know while you are reading this it seems like I’m too naïve during my grade school life. Books like Cinderella and Snow White were the only books I have in my shelf. Now, our world becomes bigger. We were asked to read three (3) fictional books for our project. I have read the set of “Series of Unfortunate Events by Lemony Snickets. I was also able to finish the seven books of “The Chronicles of Narnia” by Clive Staples Lewis recently. I just finished reading “Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows” by J.K. Rowling. About movies, I’m still a fan of Brad Pitt but not as fanatic as before. Now, I rather prefer to watch inspirational movies like Coach Carter, The Devil wears Prada, Kingdom of Heaven, Pursuit of Happyness, A Knight’s Tale and so on…
            If my memory is right Many Moore was popular, but obviously I didn’t like her songs. I just wrote it not to look naïve. At present, I love a lot of inspirational songs like “I believe”, “Jesus Takes the Wheel”, “Time of my Life”, “Bye Bye” and more.
            It seems like we were near to the end. So let me start making the long story short. “Time is Gold”, I just put it because I didn’t know what motto means at that time. Now, it’s this “Don’t let anyone define your limits just because of where you came from. Yes, not all can become a great artist but still a great artist can come from anyone. So dream big and make it happen!” My ambition in life? I still couldn’t decide what my ambition was. But now, I am brave enough to dream to become the finest writer in US. Now that I am fourth year student, I guess I will be taking B.S. Journalism in one of the best schools in the country in college.
            It is hard to imagine, that at young age we were able to fill this simplest form of biodata. Yet full of honesty, this tells us about what our perception is about life. Now we can laugh at our past but after that we realized that we changed a lot. We are better than before and now striving for the best! We might turn those senseless answers to a more meaningful ones. We became naive for 6 years but when we entered high school, the world seems turning upside down and started to change. That is why when somebody is telling “You change a lot” answer him “Yes”. This slum notebook brings back my memories.
            See how senseless my answers on the questions; what is your happiest moment? Memorable moment? Greatest dream? Now, life is no longer about searching for happiness but responsibilities. Set aside computer games and focus on studies. No more about love life but more about relationships on how we treat other people. As we grow, we change and we change from within.

Decision Making: Choosing an Ice Cream Flavor

Making a decision is like having an ice cream. It may sounds too funny but deciding can really be compared on having your preferred flavor. When you have to do something, it is your decision that matters. It’s like being asked what flavor of ice cream you want to have and it is your privilege what to choose because you are the one to eat it. Hence, nobody could decide if there is no set of flavors. Chocolate? Mango? Or Avocado? In decision making, you also have to consider the choices. Are they beneficial? Good enough? Or it is unworthy to exert effort? You have to know the choices to make the right choice. Lastly, If you liked the flavor of your ice cream, you can tell it to your friends so that they can have a try. The same with decision making, that once you realized that you made a right decision, it is now your time to help others who might be still at the point of trying to figure out what flavor to choose.

The Jeepney Fiasco

The sun left the calm sky that time. It was a tiring Thursday for our whole class. I and my classmate Clarhize settled down our exhausted bodies at the soft seats in the jeepney. We just finished our group work for our SIP (Science Investigatory Project). While we were riding at the jeepney also half-filled by passengers, we had a peaceful discussion about our activities for the coming weeks. Minutes later, I noticed that the jeepney I was riding was about to reach Jose Rizal University, Malabon where I usually took off. I grabbed my file case and bag preparing to say “Para po” to the driver anwhile saying “Ba-bye” to Clarhize. Unexpectedly, instead of saying “Para po”, I gave a loud yell saying “Ba-bye po!” to the driver. It was a real shock not just to me but also to my friend. I was staring at her and to the driver’s blank expression clear on his eyes (I hate it!) trying to figure out if it was just a dream or not. Then, I said “Para po” to the driver pretending that nothing hilarious happened but while I was taking off from the jeepney, I had the chance to look at the other passengers but they are also blank-faced, while me and Clarhize can’t stop laughing even the next day. Though I feel ashamed every time I think about it, I will never get tired on remembering it at least twice a year so that I could bear in mind to always guard the words coming from my mouth. hehehe